alkitab lucu bahasa Inggris
- alkitab: holy bible; bibleverse-nb; bible; spliffy|haha;
- lucu: bizzare; comic; comical; farcical; funny; gaga;
- lucu: bizzare; comic; comical; farcical; funny; gaga; humorous; jocular; jolly; quizzical; amusing; hilarious; laughable; sally; quip; screaming; cartooney; absurd; flippant; mirthful; jokey; joking; wise
- alkitab: holy bible; bibleverse-nb; bible; spliffy|haha; scripture; word; holy writ; good book; word of god; the bible; christian bible; book; holy scripture; christian scriptures; scriptures
- bersifat lucu: humorous; humourous
- bukankah lucu: isn't it funny
- cerpen lucu: anecdote; cartoon; gag; jest; joke; story
- dengan lucu: farcically; humorously
- komentar lucu: witticism
- lebih lucu: funnier
- lucu/pandir: gaga; senile; doddering; dotty; doty; trembly; shaky; dodder
- orang lucu: zany; clown
- paling lucu: funniest
- puisi lucu: limerick
- sandiwara lucu: comedy